Proud to display a collaboration between Jesus and myself. This editorial was just released by Cool America magazine for their debut June issue . Our inspiration for the shoot was our obsession with pastel Pantone swatches. Personally they remind me of my favorite type of sunset. Where there are no purples just pinks and blues. Jean-Paul Goude and Grace Jones were other references we touched on. We were both naturally drawn to these soft cool/warm tones and how they could be layered over our model Nam. Capturing a range between clean prep to a blush of bondage. Looking forward to making more collabs, thanks Cool America.

Interview with Nam Garsinii:
S: Tell us how you were scouted? What got you to start modeling?
N: I got my unexpected start with modeling back in Minnesota
after finishing school discovered by a local commercial agency
S: What’s your background heritage where did you grow up ?
N: I’m of West African (Liberia) descent but born here in the states.
I hail from the snow aka Minnesooooota
S: Since living in nyc what is your most memorable fashion moment?
Anyone you met that you were excited to meet or event you experienced?
N: Being apart of my first fashion week. Dreamt it and seeing it come
alive was surreal plus I met Kanye last year and happened to make
him crack a smile. Nuff said
S: It’s kinda standard for male models to be fit…
What’s your work out routine if you have any.
N: Mostly body weight related workouts
+ cardio a couple times a week.
S: In three words or less describe your personal style…
N: Calm-cool-collected
S: Out of the looks you wore in the Pantone Homme story.
Which was your favorite and why?
N: Honestly.. I found a vibe with all the looks, I was forced to
become someone new with each one which was fun.
S: Who do you look up to? Anyone you aspire to be like?
N: Pharrell

S: What’s in your bag right now… what do you take with you
grooming wise when your out on go-sees?
N: Usually not much but on a heavy day…
Pear & coconut Burt’s Bees Chapstick (always!), Dove men’s deodorant,
Crest mouthwash, Kiehl’s eye depuffer and face and hand lotion,
and on a good day Margiela’s ‘Replica – Jazz Club’ cologne.
S: I always ask my model friends this question…But what would you
like to do after modeling do you aspire to do something else?
N: Acting for sure and eventually become a world ambassador
or a humanitarian/philanthropist.
S: Any advice for the new guys starting out like you?
N: The Trap God once said… “If a man does not have the sauce,
then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce.”
Stay cool, fellas
S: Finish this sentence: I am a ____ beau.
N: I’m a forever and then some kind of beau.
groomer: Ashley M Palmer
Stylist: Theo M Hackney + Iroshka Mapplececk
Photographer : Jesus Baez
Art Direction: Sky Vargas